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Audition Information & Resources

Audition Scoring Breakdown

Prepared Solo 50% 

Students perform a prepared solo song from memory with piano accompaniment.​​

Scales/Triads 10%      

Major Scale, Harmonic Minor Scale, Melodic Minor Scale, Major Triad, Minor Triad, Diminished Triad, Augmented Triad

Sight Reading 24%

2 melodic sight-singing examples (4 measures long, students may sing on whatever system you teach)     


1 rhythmic sight-reading example (4 measures long, students must VOCALIZE the rhythm, the type of system they vocalize with does not matter)

Tonal Recall 8%

A short melodic example will be played twice on the piano with a slight break between playing (2 examples, student should sing back the example, a cappella, on a neutral open syllable such as “na na,” “la la,” or “da da.”)

Intervals 8%      

2 sung intervals, 2 identified intervals (ascending options: M2, M3, P4, P5, M6, M7, Octave / minor options: m2, m3, P4, P5, m6, m7, Octave)

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