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Please click here for the choir handbook. 

Fossil Ridge Choir Grading Policy


Grades are weighted in four categories:


1. Sight Reading Tests (25%)

Students use specialized software to record random musical excerpts without prior hearing. They practice daily, with tests every two weeks. Scores are 10/10 for matching or exceeding their last score and 5/10 for scoring lower. Late submissions within seven days receive full credit, with grades updated every Wednesday, while those submitted beyond seven days get a zero. Students cannot move to a higher sight-reading level until they achieve 90% or higher on their current level in Sight Reading Factory.


2. Part Tests (25%)

Students record excerpts from current music during class, with resources available for help. Competency earns a 10/10; significant improvement needed earns a 5/10. They can redo tests that were turned in on time initially but earned 5/10 until the day before the concert. Late submissions within seven days receive full credit with grades updated on Wednesdays. Submissions received after seven days receive partial credit.


3. Progress in Vocal Technique (25%)

Students demonstrate improvement through recorded performances or singing in front of the class. Self-evaluations help them set goals and track progress.


4. Concert Mastery (25%)

Attendance at concerts is crucial. Students earn full credit for attending, wearing proper attire, and showing good etiquette. Missed concerts for a sudden severe illness require an alternate assignment within seven days, typically involving recording their entire performance. Students must stay for the entire concert to provide feedback the following day. Violations of any of this result in partial credit.

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